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Montana Fishburne Sex Tape!!

Montana Fishburne Sex Tape

Woah, Montana Fishburne, the daughter of Laurence Fishburne did a porno for Vivid which will be released shortly! The interesting thing about this tape (besides watching Morpheous daughter get banged) is that this doesn’t appear to be a leaked tape, this appears to be a porno which was shot specifically to be released, which means Montana WANTS to do porn!

Specifically, she wants to do porn to get famous. Montana Fishburne explained her choice to make a hardcore sex tape by saying: �I�ve watched how successful Kim Kardashian became and I think a lot of it was due to the release of her sex tape.� and “it worked for Kim Kardashian”. Well, it didn’t really work for Shauna Sand but I’m all for D-list celebs taking this route to get famous!

Check out some screenshots from the tape below.. I will of course announce when the tape is released!

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