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8 Benefits of Having An Active Sex Life

(Flávia Martins / Pexels)

Everyone would argue that having an active sex life is better than having an inactive sex life. Most men would probably say they’d prefer more sex, not less.
But what’s interesting is how the true (and extensively documented) health benefits of active sex life are overlooked by most men and women alike. Sex feels great, but there are scientifically proven benefits to sex that go beyond simply getting your kicks.
Best of all, most of these benefits apply just as much to masturbation as they do to conventional sex. Hence, whether spending more time in bed with your partner or checking out live sex video call services online, you could be doing your health and well-being a world of good.

The Physical Health Benefits of Having Sex
1. A Strength and Stamina Boost
Take a look at the physical benefits of having more sex first. Sex is a high-energy form of exercise. It requires movement, strength, flexibility, and stamina to make things happen. It’s not as if you can sit there and expect things to happen on their own – you have to make them happen.
2. Burn Calories and Lose Weight
Having sex is a great way to burn calories, get your blood pumping, and give yourself a great cardiovascular workout.
In turn, you gain access to the same benefits as any other form of cardiovascular exercise, only by indulging in something far more enjoyable than heading to a sweaty gym for a workout.
3. Lower Prostate Cancer Risk
Research has also shown how a good sex life can lead to a significantly lower risk of developing a broad range of potentially dangerous health conditions. For example, men who ejaculate regularly are far less likely to the diagnosed with prostate cancer than those who abstain.
4. Reduced Heart Disease Risk
In addition, regular sex can support lower blood pressure and pave the way for a lower risk of heart disease and stroke.
5. More Restful Sleep
Sleep plays a role of vital importance in all bodily functions from head to toe, making it an absolute must for improved health and well-being. The more sex you have, the easier it becomes to relax and enjoy better sleep. Men who have more satisfying sex on a more regular basis also tend to enjoy more restful and regular sleep than those who don’t.

The Mental Health Benefits of Having Sex
6. Sex Makes You Happy

There are also widely-documented psychological health benefits to having more sex. The first (arguably) most important is how sex makes you happy. It is as simple as that, given that the endorphins naturally released during sex help reduce stress and combat anxiety.
Irrespective of how everything else in your life may be getting you down at the time, having great sex (or simply taking your masturbation activities to the next level) could be all it takes to alleviate your worries.
7. It Also Boosts Self-Confidence
Then there’s the undeniable confidence that goes hand in hand with an active sex life. If you’re completely starved of sex and can’t remember what the touch of another human hand feels like, you’re unlikely to feel particularly great about yourself. If you’re having more sex than you can deal with and find yourself turning down offers left, right, and center, it’s hard not to feel a little bit smug about the whole thing.
8. Improved Cognitive Function
There have even been studies into the benefit of sex that have found a good sex life can boost memory capacity and cognitive function. Whether or not it’s a direct or indirect benefit of sex is irrelevant, as it is a benefit, nonetheless. If you regularly find yourself not getting things or simply struggling to focus, try having more sex. If that’s not an option, get yourself signed up with a live sex video chat room online and discover a whole world of ‘virtual’ sex on your doorstep.

In Summary…

You don’t need to get too bogged down with the science of the whole thing to understand how sex really can be good for your health.
If you ever wanted a good excuse to be having sex more often, now you have eight of them!

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